This would be hot if it were true. Anybody that knows the mechanisms that go with an orgasm know that the male orgasm is powerful. To produce that much cum in one orgasm would have sent his body into some form of shock. He probably would have even passed out. The big difference between the male and females. Their orgasm lasts way longer than ours but ours pack more of a punch!
Also I wonder if anybody noticed that as he came, his balls (err that section down there) didn't move or vibrate not once. All us guys know that always happens when we cum.
OMG. Das sind wieviel Prozent der empfohlenen Tagesdosis an Eiweiß? Aber davon kann man ja nie genug bekommen...legger
kann ich Dir net sagen, aber ich kenne selber jemand, der kann 3 mal hintereinander und jedesmal mit fast genau soviel saft, is unglaublich, leider is der weg gezogen wegen seiner neuen arbeit, danke Dir für Deine netten komments,
Also I wonder if anybody noticed that as he came, his balls (err that section down there) didn't move or vibrate not once. All us guys know that always happens when we cum.
danke Dir für Deine netten komments,